Once were the days of frolicking at the beach, or vacationing in Cancun. Waking up in time to watch ‘Regis and Kelly’ is no longer feasible during Spring Break. My oh my, how things change when you become a parent. Do I miss the old break? Sure, who wouldn’t enjoy a good lazy day at the beach?? But I sure am in love with the fact that I get to spend every single second of all my breaks now with my little boy, and THAT I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world!
We started Spring Break off in Greenville to celebrate Gramps’ 60th (holy cow!) birthday. I can't believe my Dad is 60 years old. I think he's the youngest old man I've ever seen in my life! Happy Birthday Gramps!!
Next, the Easter bunny came to visit our little boy. Isn’t it funny how the bunny forgets to visit the adults once a baby is born?? Winn got THREE Easter baskets, while mom and dad got ZERO! As it should be I suppose. I just hope Easter Bunny doesn't go tellin' Santa Claus about this new situation...:)
Winn and I stayed a few extra days with Gramps and Gigi while daddy went out of town. We had lots of fun taking several walks, playing with our toys, and eating something other than formula!
I am so grateful to have these breaks to spend with my little boy. They have never meant more to me than they do now. I’m sure this week I’ll go through a little ‘Winn Withdraw’, but it sure was worth it!
Some big accomplishments this week…
~Sleeping without a swaddle/straight jacket (as Gramps calls it).
~First TOOTH!
~Scooting on tummy to get to something.
~Drinking out of a sippy cup.
~Falling in love with apple sauce (mixed with oatmeal and formula).
~LOVING and laughing hysterically when you sing (and dance) to “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”. His favorite part being the 'doo, doo, doo, doo, doo'.
~Able to go from sit to stand position while holding onto your thumbs.
~Turning the pages of his board books while reading them, and mommy is loving that!