I’ve been having a BLAST with this boy! Unfortunately, Chap is out of town a majority of our summer days, which means Winston has become my little “buddy” and to be honest I’ve enjoyed every second. We took a week long trip to see the Daybies in Pawley’s (more on that next…) and had such a good time! His little personality just continues to develop and watching him interact with other children is so exciting! I’m not sure about everyone else, but I think he’s a pretty funny dude. He makes me laugh every day. He’s so silly with his expressions. His new thing right now is taking in deep breaths of excitement and making a funny noise when he does it. Like he’s walking into a surprise party every few minutes, how great would that be?? He’s pretty happy-go-lucky with anyone that’s around. He was kind of going through a ‘mommy phase’, but that seems to have passed for the most part (knock on wood).
Our Schedule: I couldn’t wait to get my hands on his schedule once school got out. I knew he was VERY ready for the 4 hour schedule, so this was an easy transition the first few days of summer. Current schedule (more for my documentation than anything else)
7:00-9:00 Eat (bottle & solids)/Play
9:00-11:00 Nap
11:00-1:00 Eat/Play
1:00-3:00 Nap
3:00-5:30ish Play
5:30-6:00ish Nap (we’re working on cutting this out).
6:30-8:00 Eat (bottle & solids)/Play
8:15 Bedtime!!
**Notice: (all you BabyWise peeps) NO ‘dream feed’. That’s right, I know I’m a little late, but while in Pawley’s I finally did away with the 10:00 p.m. sleepy feed, and couldn’t be happier about it! It’s true, he makes up the ounces throughout the day.
Needless to say, I couldn’t be more thrilled to have summer vacation during this age. I love it. I get more addicted to this little boy every day.
New transitions the last few weeks:
- Sitting like a big boy in the grocery cart (protected from germs, of course)
- Sitting like a big boy in high chairs at restaurants
- Sitting like a big boy in the bath tub…however, his determination to get the drain in his mouth is a little unnerving.
- Has figured our he's a little boy, and enjoys re-visiting this concept every diaper change.
- 7 teeth, working on #8
- 4 hour car ride – solo with mommy…yes, I’m proud.