The Rollings

An attempt to preserve the moment and celebrate family ~Heather

Friday, July 30, 2010

Mozarts in the Making

We have a new hobby...yes, Winn is in LOVE with a piano! We have a hip 90's keyboard that he's grown quite addicted to. When he sees it, he "supermans" himself towards it so he can play some sweet jams (good things there's a volume button). I'm sure all babies love music, but this kid's world lights up when he sees or hears anything musical (even my voice). Let's hope this continues and grows into a talent like it did for his Daddy.

As soon as I saw this picture my heart skipped a beat, reminds me of someone I know that loved playing the piano with their grandpa many moons ago :)
Winn & Poppy, June 2010
Heather & ShoSho December, 1982

My sweet music man. His favorite is when he plays a little number and you dance a little jig. He thinks that is really funny (or maybe it's just my smooth moves...)
Winn, Jully 2010
His mommy, December 1982

ShoSho, we miss you so much. I wish more than anything that you were able to meet my amazing husband and wonderful little boy. I know you would fall in love with them the same way I do every day. Thank you for all the memories, we strive every day to keep them alive through Winston. We love you!!


Amber said...

Love love love it!

Anonymous said...

Love this.... so sweet!

Katherine said...

awwwww i LOVE this!!

mgoodner said...

So very sweet!

roxanne said...

you know what I'm doing right now! God, does this bring back memories. And if ShoSho were still here he would be writing a song named "Winston" right now. And ShoSho is watching Winston with pure joy...and I'm enjoying all those pictures with pure joy! Beautiful.