I’M BAAACK!! Per post below, I have more time so I hope to get this blog a little more accurate. My “monthly” updates won’t be so quarterly anymore…I hope.
9 months
(8 & 9 pics posted flip flop...oops)
Head circumference – 18 ½ inches (80th percentile)
Height – 29 inches (65th percentile)
Weight – 18 lbs. (15th percentile…a.k.a. SCRAWNY!)
If you came to visit us these days, you’d probably find…
A punkin head that thinks he can walk, run, and dance all day long. He is VERY determined to get ‘to and fro’ on his little 10 month legs. He’s been like this for a few months now, and mom’s back has been sore ever since
A bug that LOVES to crawl and explore new things. He finally picked up on the idea of crawling (rather than rolling) last week. He’s by no means “speedy” in his efforts, I’m assuming it ain’t easy getting that head in the direction intended (see stats above).
A sweet little boy that still ADORES his cousin SMITH! (And I adore that!!)
Pots & Pans. Thanks Gramps for this new obsession. Our cabinets couldn’t be happier.
A binker binks that can hang with the big kids all day long! He loves his cousins, and thinks his buddy Lee is pretty fantastic!
Abuster butt that L-O-V-E-S to be outside!! He is fascinated with trees, and anytime we walk out the door (whether there’s trees nearby or not) he waves to the sky and with a huge smile and says “tees, tees” (trees, trees).
A mature, young adult that swears he can eat all by himself. He doesn’t need mom to hold the spoon anymore, and honestly I’ve given up. Now-a-days Winn holds/bangs the spoon, and we both work on getting the food in his mouth with our fingers.
A little boy that loves MUSIC! The piano is still his favorite, but the guitar is a close runner up. If his daddy man is playing the guitar, you’ll find a little bug very close by. He's also adequate in clapping , loves patty cake and "If you're happy and you know it..."
As you can see, Winston has acquired a number of nicknames by his parentals. Poor kid is going to be so confused about his name.
Winston Bruce Rollings,
Your daddy and I love you ALL THE WAY! We can’t get enough of your sweet personality. You make us laugh all the time and you make us proud even more!
Mom’s Notes:
Favorite words that he repeats all day – shoes (shss), trees (tees), bye (buh), ha-choo/sneeze (chu!) momma (momma) , dada (dada)
Favorite food – toast, green beans, French fries, nutri-grain bars, dried apples, hot dogs, cheerios
Favorite words that he repeats all day – shoes (shss), trees (tees), bye (buh), ha-choo/sneeze (chu!) momma (momma) , dada (dada)
Favorite food – toast, green beans, French fries, nutri-grain bars, dried apples, hot dogs, cheerios
Clothing size - still rockin' 9-12 month O.F's for the most part. He just moved up to a size 4 diaper (could probably still fit in the 3's, but thanks to Gramp's Costco purchase we decided 4's would be just fine for now).
That's MY boy alright. He is just the most perfect little guy even if he does hate baby food. My babysitting opportunities keep us bonded and makes me realize what great parents he has. I love you all.
LOVE this little man!! I can't believe how fast our babies are growing--can't we just stop time for a little bit?!
All it takes is to see Winston's little face and Gigi just melts. He is beautiful, fun, always laughiig. When he comes into this house he brings so much laughter and light to us. I could write a novel bout Winston, but I have to take a moment to say congratulations to Heather on finishing her Masters with a 4.0. Our love and pride for you is more than we could ever descibe. I love you tall the way to the moon and back!
Hi Heather! Congrats to you and Chap. Winn is adorable! The Babies are growing way too fast, wouldnt you agree?
He's a strongin! (You have to say that like you are way country and it makes more sense)
I loved pots & pans time.
lovin that big boy! that blue button is like a baby magnet!
So glad to see you're blogging again! Congrats on all of the milestones - not just Winn's, but your's and Chaps as well!
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