The Rollings

An attempt to preserve the moment and celebrate family ~Heather

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Snow Day!

Hooray for snow days!! Alright, I know it isn't quite a 'winter wonder land'...but hey, it's still exciting! Yes, Chap and I were those kids glued to the news last night and watching every second of 'weather in motion' on School was finally canceled this morning, and unfortuneatley, Chap did have to work Brodey and I are trying to make the best of our snow day. We checked it out, still not quite enough to play in...but it was fun watching him sniff around.

I hope all my kids are enjoying their day off, and I’m SURE they are all watching and appreciating the historical inauguration ceremonies today so we can have great discussions tomorrow! =)


Russ and Sarah Compton said...

You are so lucky that you don't have to go to school today. Enjoy the snow day! BTW- that first picture of Brodey is deceiving, he looks small!!!

Matt and Dionne said...

I love snow:) You have such a cute house!!!

Anonymous said...

So pretty! And so nice that you got a really long weekend... since you were off yesterday too. I bet the students are loving that! Hopefully some of them are watching the inauguration. My sister actually made her two kids come inside from playing in the snow just to watch it. :) Strict, but a good mom!

Jaysey said...

It did not snow here--we had to go to school. Blech.

We watched the inauguration at school in the cafeteria--TVs everywhere--it was fun.

Cookie and Poppy said...

It appears we got more snow than you did, but I'm glad you got a day off. When I talked to Mary Cline, she said "Yea, we got off just in the nick of time, we were going to have to watch that inauguration and then take a quiz." I told her she had better watch some of it, she might get a quiz anyway. You know how those elementary teachers are!

Courtney Heinlein said...

That's so exciting!! I miss the days of getting out of school or off of work due to snow!! Here snow and ice are just a fact of life:)

Doug & Stef said...

That is so rude that you got a snow day for that. I take snow days all the time now :) Your house is really cute!

Chap and Heather said...

Jamie~ Good for your sister!! That's a GREAT mom! =)

Jenn~ I know, I was planning on watching it with my kids too...that would have been fun...but amazingly they all said they watched it!

Marilyn~ Now I didn't give a quiz...but I'd love to see who was telling the truth =)

Courtney~ I LOVE the snow so I think I'd like snow being a fact of life, not so sure about that ice thing though! =)

Dionne & Stef~ Thanks guy! You are welcome anytime?!! =)

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

what fun! it snowed here, but i DID NOT get off work. I'm totally jealous!

looks like brody had fun though.

Justin Smith said...

he-a-tha.... i started a blog for school. enjoy if you like to learn about architecture.

Chap and Heather said...

Justin~ DUH! Of course I want to learn! =) And you know our Geometry unit is right around the corner...

Anonymous said...

We were wondering if you all would be out of school that day. What fun!! It looks like you and Brody are having a blast!!