Last Sunday we went to Hartsville to celebrate some more of my favorite people, including Rollings (our nephew) and Keesha’s (his mom) birthdays and Father's Day for Larry (better late than never!) We had an entertaining time with Rollings putting on concerts (my favorite performance was during dinner when he stood on his chair beside me to sing “duh, duh, duh…Another One Bites the Dust, hilarious!!)
I could hang out with Rollings all day, though I’m not sure my metabolism could keep up. =) He cracks me up! After a yummy dinner and TWO deserts (hooray deserts!!) we all got to examine Krissee’s fun pregnant belly (I’m not including pictures, she is pregnant with twins and though I think her belly is adorable, I’m not sure she would think my posting pics of this would be as adorable.) So while we were checking out Smith and Addison, Rollings was talking to Smith and Addison through Krissee’s belly button asking them if “they were going to fall out soon?” Ha! I guess he’s just as ready to play with those babies as we are!! We asked Rollings where the babies came from?? His answer was priceless…where all great things come from at his age “McDonald’s Happy Meals”. I assume they are the fun toys you get when ordering this delicious treat =)
I could hang out with Rollings all day, though I’m not sure my metabolism could keep up. =) He cracks me up! After a yummy dinner and TWO deserts (hooray deserts!!) we all got to examine Krissee’s fun pregnant belly (I’m not including pictures, she is pregnant with twins and though I think her belly is adorable, I’m not sure she would think my posting pics of this would be as adorable.) So while we were checking out Smith and Addison, Rollings was talking to Smith and Addison through Krissee’s belly button asking them if “they were going to fall out soon?” Ha! I guess he’s just as ready to play with those babies as we are!! We asked Rollings where the babies came from?? His answer was priceless…where all great things come from at his age “McDonald’s Happy Meals”. I assume they are the fun toys you get when ordering this delicious treat =)
Post performance, Keesha and Rollings blowing out their b-day candles.
Chap and I got Rollings a Transformer casting rod, this is Rollings learning how to cast with Uncle Chap...
This is the more complete scene, the boys fishing off the side of the boat that's parked in the driveway trying to cast the lures into a wheelbarrow filled with water (that Rollings was never quite content with...we had to keep moving it closer, and closer so he could make it.) Practice makes perfect!
I always enjoy visiting Chap’s family! Family time is always entertaining, especially with a big family that likes to love and laugh a lot! Happy Birthday Keesha and Rollings, Happy Father’s Day Larry, and happy Happy Meals to everyone!!
I just posted a response, but it errored me and erased, so here we go again:
I am never eating at McDonald's again.
But that's a high quality response. Good thing that's recorded on the Internets for prosperity because now you can bring that up again when he is much older, and it will be hysterical.
Hee...hee..."posterity," not "prosperity," which must be on my mind because of Promised Land, SC.
Ha!! Oh yes my friend, I actually got it on video too. I'll send it your way, didn't want to post it (wasn't sure if Krissee would aprove of her belly being displayed on my blog =)
Hi guys! I've been meaning to tell you how cute your blog is. Isn't the internet the greatest? I've been anti-Face Book and so I haven't been able to keep up with many folks from high school this way..but now that blogging is the new rage, I'm totally on board. I actually found your site from Krisse's blog before I even got you message on Benson's website, Heather. I'm nosy, so when I saw the link to your site I had to look in on you guys and find out all about the girl that Chap married. I approve by the way ;) Not that it really matters, but Chap was my first boyfriend in 6th grade, you know. hehe! Anyway, you guys are an adorable family. I'm so glad I can keep up with you via the blog. Keep checking Benson's website. We're going to the beach in a week, so those should be some interesting pictures. I know that lots of sand will be consumed. Have a great summer!
Yeah, some things are best reserved for e-mail. The Internets can be a scary place...lots of weirdos and pervs. ;-)
That was so funny! Aren't kids just hilaroius?! They say the funniest things! :) Chap's family seems like a lot of fun!
Hi! It's so great to hear from you!! Chap says hello, he has talked a lot about you over the years so seeing your blog to put a face with the fun memories was wonderful! Please keep in touch and visit the blog, I will be sure to check Baby Benson out some more, he is too cute!! Hope you have fun at the beach!!
Why didn't you mention the first fishing rod you got Rollings?....
Thanks for not putting the pics on there. I'm ok with belly pictures as long as they don't show stretch marks but those are hard to come by. I'm going to put a belly shot on my blog soon. Its the one from the baby shower at your house.
Little Rollings really is something. I love how he kept saying he had babies in his belly too, Rollings McKnight babies.
It was great to see you guys this weekend. Its always so much fun getting together!
Chap and Heather, your blog is so great. Rollings told me today that they keep the babies at McDonald's in a closet and you get yours when they cry to come out. They have brown babies in there, and puppies and kittens too.
That is hilarious about Rollings, I think we should start a quote book for that would sell like crazy!
Nice current blog.
Daniel...I know, I am sorry...between these field trips with the kids and my new summer class starting I don't have time for much. Hopefully I will catch up this weekend!
nice current blog
nice current blog. ;-)
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