The Rollings

An attempt to preserve the moment and celebrate family ~Heather

Sunday, September 28, 2008

An Inspiring Ride

All my life I’ve looked up to my dad in countless ways, but this weekend he surpassed my highest expectations! Saturday, my 59 year old father rode his bicycle 107 miles in a fundraiser to support multiple sclerosis. Nine months ago one of his Harley friends, Barry, shared with my dad that he was planning on riding in the MS fundraiser event in September. Another Harley friend, Nya, had been diagnosed with MS prior to this. My dad, always up for a challenge and chance to perform a kind act for another, decided to join Barry in this endeavor. After nine months of training and countless Saturdays riding together, the day finally arrived…and with it brought lots of rain and a gas shortage.

The event started at Winthrop so Chap and I were able to host the amazing racers Friday night! We had a great evening hanging out, eating spaghetti, and hoping the rain would go away! Saturday we were headed to the WU coliseum by 5:45 a.m. and by about 7 a.m. event was finally underway! It was really touching to see everyone there in effort to support the same cause.

As you can probably see, the rain was still hanging around…but thankfully only lasted a little bit and Chap was able to hunt some gas for my car so we could make it to Greenville to see the big finish!!
Here we are Saturday, 6 a.m. waiting for the race to begin.

Thanks to the weather I wasn't able to get a great shot of all the bikers that participated in the event.

About nine hours later, Dad and Barry finally pedaled up the home stretch into downtown Greenville in front of the new baseball stadium. We were sooooo excited and proud!!

Here they come, still smiling!!

Yes, we made banners...we love cheese =)

This last picture is very special, this is Nya, the amazing woman and reason for my dad and Barry to do this event. I really enjoyed hanging out with her on Saturday, she has such a great spirit and optimism about her that really made me think about about how I handle the simple challenges in my daily life. Thank you Dad, Barry, and Nya for insipiring me!!


The Morgans said...

WOW! That is awesome! Way to go Norm and everyone else! How proud you all must be of Norm. I love cheese and the banner was perfect!

Anonymous said...

That is amazing!! I, too am inspired. I cannot even imagine how exhausted they must have been, but all worth it for such a wonderful cause! And if it makes you feel any better...I would have done a banner too. :) I saw nothing "cheese" about that at all. :)

Jaysey said...

That's great! Your dad kicks butt! The only thing that would have made that banner better would have been if you'd made it by hand with fingerpaints on some of the big roll-out teacher paper. That? Would be total cheese.

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

YEA Norm!!! That is amazing and I'm sure it made his day that he could share that with you guys!

Curious, did his legs feel like jello when he was done? i'm sure mine would be like jello from a trip around the block, so 105 miles has got to do something! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this story on your blog and for the hospitality and great dinner Friday night!
You all are my inspiration for everything I do.
My life changed on 11/25/1980 & 7/29/1984...and it's been a BLAST!!
Thanks for all you do.
PS: Mom says hi and loves her plate, she writes something on it every day.
PPS: I'm only 58!!!

Colly said...

That is a really wonderful thing to do. I am truly impressed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie,

I know Dad wrote but just wanted to write and tell you how excited he was to read your blog - and if you could have only seen his face glowing and the pride in it!!
I won't say all the same things Dad did, like thank you for hosting and all you did, though we do thank you. Thank you for being the most special, lovely, inspiring daughter two parents could ever have. The love and joy you give us is boundless. P.S. LOVE my plate!!! It now has Happy Anniversary written on it!! P.S.S. Dad hasn't said "NO" to getting Pe-POO! I'm still working on him!!! Help me!! LOVE YOU AND CHAP!!

Justin Smith said...

That's pretty friggin cool! By the way... you really should know how old your dad is! WOW! I bet he got your's and Normie's birthdays right... Just kidding. Your folks are awesome!

Chap and Heather said... guys just made me tear up! =)

DITTO!! And tell mom I hope she enjoys the plate, I will look forward to my portrait being drawn next time I come home! Ha!
PS...I guess anything over 50 all kind of sounds the same to me....OLD! J/ are the youngest and coolest dad I know!! If it makes you feel any better, I already tell people I'm 29 years old when I'm only 27! And I never know how old Chap is??

Justin~ ha! I laughed pretty hard on that one =) BTW...what grade do I teach again??? =)

Justin Smith said...

you're a teacher? you teach at an elementary school!

Doug & Stef said...

I only wish I had that determination. How cool!