The Rollings

An attempt to preserve the moment and celebrate family ~Heather

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tagged: "I Am..."

Tagged by Jamie!

*i am hungry
*i want food to magically appear.
*i have a wonderful family and amazing friends!
*i miss friends that have moved away.
*i fear not being able to have children.
*i hear the fire crackling and some show Chap is watching on Discovery Channel.
*i search for ways to be healthier.
*i wonder what my children will look like.
*i regret little, but sometimes I do wonder how my choices effected outcomes. Not sure if that’s considered a regret?
*i love teaching, books, dogs, babies, family, friends, my Christmas tree…I could go on and on.
*i forgive first…I hate conflict and do just about anything to get past it.
*i ache after the first snowboard trip each season.
*i always try to help people, I am a sucker for fixing problems or playing match maker.
*i try to be more patient.
*i seem to be a push over?? I think people know I avoid conflict at all costs and this can send the wrong message sometimes.
*i know I am lucky.
*i feel excited that my grad. class ended yesterday and that Chap only has one more semester left!! What will we do with our time??
*i dance a lot during "So You Think You Can Dance" season, and even more now around my house and in my car since I got my IPod.
*i dream of watching my parents become grandparents one day.
*i give to the Salvation Army bell ringers this time of year. I don’t know how to walk by without trying to find something to give. Today we went to the grocery store this morning around 9:30 and then went back by this evening around 6:00 and the SAME sweet man was outside ringing the bell. I thought that was pretty amazing.
*i listen to all kinds of music.
*i sing all the all the wrong words to songs.
*i laugh a lot…at Chap, my friends, the kids in my class, my Nephew Rollings, the Target lady on SNL. “Approved!”. Etc.
*i can't go to sleep without reading or watching tv first.
*i write a ton! I have a gross callous on my left middle finger from all the writing, I think that must happen to teachers a lot though.
*i cry fairly easily for a variety of reasons…my emotions have never been a secret.
*i sleep on road trips. I don’t think I’m a very good ‘wing man’.
*i am excited that all my shopping is done, presents are wrapped, and Christmas Break 2008 is almost here!
*i see not very well. I would LOVE lasik eye surgery!
*i need to do laundry!
*i should go to bed so I can finally finish, “Breaking Dawn”!

I tag Amber, Courtney, Sarah, and anyone else that wants to play! Just fill in the answer with the FIRST thing that comes to your mind.


Jaysey said...

Those bell ringers get me every time. My grandmother always used to give to them and said you always should because if you're walking into a store that means you have something to give, so you should. So I always feel very guilty if I don't throw something in.

Unknown said...

I loved your sleep on road trips thing. Scott says I have a knack for going to sleep 5 mins after we leave and waking up 5 mins before we get there!

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

ok, that was me as I'm sure you guessed

Russ and Sarah Compton said...

This is such a fun post!!! I am with you on the sleeping and the salvation army!!! Thanks so much for tagging me!!!! I can't wait to do my first tag!!!!!

Matt and Dionne said...

Aw, I loved reading yours! You had some great anwers:) I second you on the dream;)

Matt and Dionne said...

P.S. I LOVE your new background!!!

Chap and Heather said...

Dionne~ Thanks =) I got a little carried away with things on Saturday =) Also, my bf got Lasik as a Christmas gift a couple years ago from her parents...just an idea??!! I think it should be presented as follows: Mom...Dad...don't you want to give your daughter the gift that will last a lifetime?? A better view of the world?? etc., etc. How can they resist?? =)

Anonymous said...

So, have you finished Breaking Dawn? Did you ever see the movie Twilight? Or are you waiting until you finish all the books?
Most importantly, you WILL be a mother one day... I just know it! And you are going to be a fantastic one! You are in my prayers!

Matt and Dionne said...

Hehe:) I love your gift idea! PERFECT!!! I'll have to give it a try...I'll let you know if I'm successfull:) Matt actually had it done when we lived in AZ about 3 years ago. He can see so well now! I can't wait for my turn!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading all your answers. It gave me a little more insight into what you feel, since we don't get to talk that much. I give to the Salvation Army everytime I walk by, too. You know I'm excited to be a grandmother one day, but all in due time You know how sure I am that it will happen and I will have the most beautiful grandchild in the world!! Is there any reason you didn't tag me???!!! Did you think I would answer on your blog again instead of your and really embarrass myself again!!!!